Jiangxi Yichun Yuanda Chemical Co.,Ltd., was estabilished in December 1994.It has two subsidary companies which are Yichun Yuanda Bioengineering Co.,Ltd. and Taixing Yuanda Chemical Co.,Ltd.. It is the earliest manufacture of polyamide curing agent in China and became the largest manufacture of this product in China. After years of hard work and development, it has the vetical production layout from the source to the final product. The company was held by Yihai-Kerry in January,2012 and was managed by the Oleochemicals Division of Yihai-Kerry. After introduced advanced management technology,the company also improved the quality of products and the stability of supplying based on the steady supply of raw material from the Group and the raw material can achieve self-sufficiency.
- 所在地区:江西省宜春市
- 行业分类:化学原料及化学制品制造业
所在地:河北省石家庄市经营范围:聚丙烯酰胺 腻子粉润滑保湿剂 吸水树脂 农林保水剂 粘合剂 所在地:上海市经营范围: 其他服装辅料 办公文教五金 复合型胶粘剂 合成橡胶型胶粘 所在地:山东省威海市经营范围:反渗透系统专用..,反渗透阻垢剂,反渗透杀菌剂,反渗透清洗剂 所在地:河南省郑州市经营范围:聚丙烯酰胺,阳离子聚丙烯酰胺,阴离子聚丙烯酰胺,非离子聚丙烯 所在地:其它经营范围:缓蚀阻垢剂系列,ZY-S501系列缓..,ZY-S502系列 所在地:山东省济南市经营范围:甲醇,无水乙醇,醋酸乙酯,聚酰胺树脂,酞菁蓝,氢氧化钾,碳酸 所在地:湖北省武汉市经营范围:超支化环氧树脂 , 超支化聚酯树脂 , 超支化聚磷酸酯 , 所在地:湖北省经营范围:双马来酰亚胺,间苯撑双马,单马,聚酰亚胺树脂,DABPA 所在地:江西省南昌市经营范围:树脂,造纸助剂,聚丙烯酰胺,涂料制剂,阴离子